

After going through some difficulties, I had a hard time connecting. I lost my ambition, my passion for everything and anything. I was in a very weird and almost scary place. I would wonder to myself ' am I always going to be like this now ? am I stuck ?'. It was such a strange place to be, I wasn't happy with where I was (my headspace), the dwelling, but wasn't helping myself out either. It was a circle and I wasn't getting out. But then something just clicked, that even if this is the worst, I could survive and at least use my time to better someone else, to add value to their life. Maybe I wouldn't have everything I waned or dreamed of. But perhaps I could put a smile on someone's face or make someone's day a little more bearable. Thats what I decided to spend my time on. Rather than wasting my time dwelling on things I'll never understand. Give purpose to your life, whatever that is. Trust me, it will add a little spark in you, theres nothing more beautiful.

Find your purpose. I know you can. 

R x

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