

It's been a long time since I've posted anything and to be completely honest there is no reason for it. I've just felt a lack of motivation in regards to everything lately. I know a lot of us are finding it hard right now- with lockdown and all the stress that comes with it. I just found myself kind of lost. Recently I...

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 1) Hourglass mineral veil primer - I've been wanting to try this primer for the longest time. From all the reviews I've read it fills in your pores, smooths over imperfections - who wouldn't want that ! The first things holding me back from making this purchase is the price its £53.00 and I can't seem to justify that price for a primer....

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After going through some difficulties, I had a hard time connecting. I lost my ambition, my passion for everything and anything. I was in a very weird and almost scary place. I would wonder to myself ' am I always going to be like this now ? am I stuck ?'. It was such a strange place to be, I wasn't happy with...

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Being hurt twice can be a very hard thing. We've all heard the saying 'fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me'. I have always held on to this line. But after some thought and through experience I don't agree with that saying anymore. You see, to love once and be hurt to the point you cannot bear it....

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Recently, I've learnt a tough lesson - no one truly accepts who you really are. The good the bad and the ugly. The majority of people only truly accept the best version of you. They may accept you to your face but in reality they think about the flaws you showed. People always say to put your best foot forward, it's no lie...

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Your roots

Holding on to your roots can be a hard thing to do sometimes. At times we fall into wanting to be unique and different, thinking that our culture, traditions and rituals are over done. But we forget that it is precisely these things that make us unique. Some of us forget to respect the generations before, who put us in the positions that...

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you're enough

Sometimes we fall into a hole of self hate. Thinking we're not enough for anyone or anything good. When we invest into someone we expect the same out of them but we shouldn't feel that way, we shouldn't have that expectation. The acts we commit should be for the act itself not for what we think we deserve in return. I know I'm...

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