12:05Life is hard, but no one said it would be easy. Life is full of tests and like it or not its those tests that mould us into the people we become. Sometimes we feel hard done by, but don't let yourself fall into that trap. No matter how difficult your situation is, you are always lucky in comparison to someone else. Don't forget to be grateful. Self pity is a deep well, don't fall into it. Recently I learnt a hard lesson, grudges only hurt the people who hold them. I know its easier said than done, but believe me after 3 years of holding on to something I can vow that it only caused me more pain. Just let go. Humans are imperfect, this world is imperfect. Its not a bad thing but its a point to keep in mind- Everyone will fail you; be it big or small. You just have to decide whether that person is worth the pain. Its human nature to focus on the one negative in your life and disregard all the beautiful blessings that you have. Forgiveness takes a big heart and honestly I don't think I'm there yet, letting go is very different to forgiveness (in my opinion). That doesn't mean I won't try, not for the sake of the person who inflicted the pain on me, but for me. To better myself, to strengthen my imaan, to be a good person, to love unconditional - these are the aims of my life and holding a grudge would only hinder me in my journey.
I hope that this helps you to let go of even an inch of that rope, of the grudge you're holding. Its a journey, you're not the only one and you can do it!
R x