06:47It's been a long time since I've posted anything and to be completely honest there is no reason for it. I've just felt a lack of motivation in regards to everything lately. I know a lot of us are finding it hard right now- with lockdown and all the stress that comes with it. I just found myself kind of lost. Recently I have decided to change that, to focus on what I can change and what I can do to create a more productive and fulfilling day. Thats not to say that you need to be productive all the time. I think that having time to relax and do whatever you feel like is really important to a healthy mind and ultimately leads to a more productive life too. Because without those moments to yourself how can you expect to be creating anything of value to anyone else. Don't forget to put yourself first, everyone says it but make a conscious effort to do so.
Okay I think i'm done waffling on, sorryyyyy
R x