02:28It can be hard to motivate yourself at times, sometimes we just get tired and sometimes it can just be too hard. But the thing that will get you through, is the reason that you started this journey in the first place. If your reason is flimsy then so will your level of motivation. Your motivation will be the foundation to your success - so make sure its strong. If your reason to do it is important enough, you will definitely carry on. Its normal to fluctuate and feel knocked down. There is a difference between those who stay down and those who get back up. It sounds cliche but it is very true. Im in my final year of university and for me, its been difficult. At times I am motivated to the highest level and other times I just want to sleep for a week straight. But I focus on my end game, what I want to gain from all the time, energy and effort I'm putting in - not only me but all the people that support me too.
Everyone's motivational factor is different just make sure your's is worth something to you.
R x