

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. Uni has been hectic and I just haven't had the time to sit down and give myself 10 mins. But never mind Ive done it now. So recently, as I always do, I've been thinking a lot about life. Life stages to be specific. Ive never be a fan of change. I like things to stay as it is, in my comfort zone, in a place I know. The idea of change scares me and the idea of growing apart from people I can't imagine living without. After weeks of dwelling over this same thought. Yesterday something just clicked. You can't grow without change, you're just stagnant and for a girl who always claims to love a challenge and pushing herself. I need to learn how to thrive in changes. I have to trust in the relationships that I have built.

Just know that no matter what life throws at you, you'll be alright. If anything you'll be  a lot stronger.

R x

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